Well there is probably no surprise here (I'm just a tad behind on blogging) but, I'm now 23 weeks pregnant, due June 5th and we are having a BOY!
Everything has gone well at our appointments and ultrasounds and we couldn't be happier. Like Chaz mentioned in his previous post, if you can even call it that, we haven't picked out a name although he has so lovingly nicknamed the baby "our mutant".
Since I want to remember how this all went down I'm going to lay it out there. I don't blame you for not reading on, in fact, I advise that. It is probably TMI for most normal individuals.
So here's the story:
We had decided that it was time to trade in our awesome lives as a ballin' young married couple without a care in the world for a needy, stinky, slimy, bundle of joy. To further God's plan, of course. Haha, ok that is a little off. Really, I love babies and even though married life without kids has been seriously wonderful we decided it was time to let our Heavenly Father do his biding and grant us seed *hopefully*. SO, it had been a few months and nothing "happened" and by that I mean I wasted at least $25 bucks on dollar store pregnancy tests. Awesome.
Here is how Chaz and I differ in thinking (in my words of course)...
Me: "I think something might be wrong with me, I don't even know if I am ovulating. Maybe I need to go to a fertility doctor? Will you still love me if I can't have kids?"
Chaz: "It will happen when the time is right! You're insane. I love you."
Obviously at this point I am being a little irrational/paranoid, call it what you will but I have quite a few friends that have had hard time getting pregnant. So I guess I was just bracing my self for the same struggles. Being the at times impatient person that I am, I felt the need to DO something. So in September I went in to my family doctor and told him what was going on. They decided to do a "progesterone test" which is where you take progesterone for a week and then stop. It is supposed to reset your ovulation and give you a "fresh start". They gave me a blood pregnancy test (it was negative) and sent me on my way.
Now the fun part. So I took the pills for 7 days and then stopped, I started cramping which I thought was a sure sign that I'd soon be on my death bed, but, nothing "happened". If you don't know what I mean by "happened" then you are either too young or too male to be reading this in the first place. I cramped for about 5-6 days. DAYS. It was the most horrible thing in the world and by far the worst cramps I have ever experienced. I would only get one every 30-45 mins. or so but they were pretty consistent and had me keeled over wanting to die.
A couple of my friends/co-workers knew about my unfortunate state and they started telling me that I was pregnant. Mostly jokingly, I thought. Then, I started reading tons of stuff online about pregnancy and cramping and PART of me thought, hmm could it be? No. They just gave me a test and there is no way since I was JUST on the progesterone.
So about that same day (haha, about who am I kidding?) I was at the grocery store and I was going to buy a preg stick since I had already looked, and I was out. But, the cheapest ones at Smiths were like $15!! Obviously I wasn't that convinced I was pregnant or I would of sprung for one anyways but I decided I'd just go to the dollar store the next day and pick up like 7.
That night Chaz and I (mostly I) decided to rent The Last Song. (You have to remember that I have like the cutest, funniest and nicest husband in the world.) Oh my gosh, that movie was so good! I cried for like 20 minutes and Chaz had been asleep for at least 30 minutes already missing the best part! At the end of the movie I remember thinking, wow I feel so emotional right now, this is so weird. So I got ready for bed and I was just laying there thinking. Out of no where I decided I needed a cough drop for my throat. So, I walked to the cabinet and got out a big bag full of meds'n'things. Low and behold, one lowly dollar store pregnancy test nestled in a bag of cough drops. So since it was only 2 am, I decided to use it!
Now at this point I...
1. was very emotional (thanks miley)
2. had my hopes up a little that I was pregnant (stupid internet)
3. was still pretty convinced there was something wrong with my ovulation (hence the reason for progesterone testing)
I took the test, looked at it for a second, it was negative, I cried. I put my face in my hands and cried and prayed and was scared and cried some more and prayed some more. I did ALL that in like 5 minutes! Then I got this feeling like "stop, wait, what?", I looked at the stick again and there was another LINE. It was really faint so I was a little apprehensive at first but nonetheless I ran into our room saying "honey, you need to look at this" over and over. So I showed Chaz and he said something witty, implying that I should of listened to him in the first place and he fell back asleep within like ten minutes. Me on the other hand, FREAKING OUT. I broke out my computer and googled pregnancy cramping/ectopic pregnancy/missed miscarriage/false positive pregnancy test for a good 2 hours before finally getting to sleep.
Background: I had recently quit my old job at Ancestry.com and was now working for EMG Management. My health benefits ended on September 30th and my new ones would start December 1st. The blessed day that I got my positive test was Friday, October 1st. Yeah, of course, the day after my insurance was up.
That weekend we spent in Salt Lake, at conference, where I was in pain and my brain was literally making a crazy infinity sign ∞ trying to figure out if I was pregnant or if something was wrong and what the MEEP we were going to do without insurance for 2 months. That next little while was full of stress, hope and definite emotional unrest. I had to have some regular blood testing to check my hcg/progesterone levels. Since my prog. was low I was put on progesterone suppositories for for a couple months (gross btw). It was all kind of a crazy blur, but somehow we made it out alive!
Fast forward to now. I'm going through toilet paper like nobody's business, our baby boy looks healthy, and we are SO excited for him to get here. I feel so unworthy of all the blessings that I have received in my life and I am so unbelievably grateful for every one of them. I know that God has a plan for each of us and if we trust in him we will begin to see that plan unfold and we will truly witness miracles.