Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Update On the Upgrade

When I started this blog I never committed to updating on a consistent basis. Thank goodness. So here is what has happened in the past couple months:

-Chaz and I made it through our upper level English class
-I didn't fail Stats
-We moved into a different apartment
-I became obsessed with finding good deals on craigslist
-We bought a couch, a bed frame, a wii, a dresser, a futon, and a book shelf
-I had to get a job. (@Ancestry.com)

So that basically sums it up! Here are the pictures of our new pad. We love it and hope that everyone with come stay with us now that we actually have breathing room. Oh and thanks to Kyle and Matt for helping us move- you guys were life savers.


Entry way

Looking in over the counter

From the entry way into the kitchen

From the kitchen looking into the dining/living room

Dining table and that door is the downstair bathroom... it's small so not much of a picture

From the bottom of the stairs-ish




Upstairs Bathroom

Master bedroom

25 dollar bed frame

From our room into the vanity/closet

Closet/door to bathroom


Spare bedroom


  1. Oh maaaan. I can totally see you livin' it up on craigslist. I bet you are really good at haggling people down in price even further.

    You are going to regret posting this entry when I become the houseguest who never leaves.

  2. I love it! Where did you guys end up moving to?

  3. So much better than Wymount. That couch is huge! Good work. See you guys soon:)

  4. It's gorgeous! How fun! Be careful of weirdos on craigslist, I always have Bro come with me. P.S. I am SO BEYOND excited to have you come visit, I have been family deprived!

  5. love the apartment! i'm glad we live by each other!

    ready to go see invictus 2 more times in the next few days? I AM! :) have a good weekend and have fun tomorrow at work... ugh!

  6. ummmmmm time for a new post. GET GOIN! kbye :)

  7. so......... yeah. i hate you for only having three - count them THREE posts. it's 2 am. i'm bored. kbye.
