We have been SUPER busy the last couple of weeks so I forgot to do a little post on Keaton turning 6 months old! The time has flown by so fast I can't even believe it. Keaton is such a happy, easy going baby. I'm sure our next one will be difficult so I am trying to enjoy this while it lasts. I pretty much spend my whole day kissing his big ol' cheeks and squishing his adorable turkey thighs. He is such a sweet little guy, he smiles for everyone who will give him the time of day. Everyday I look forward to seeing him light up when I go to get him in the morning. At his 6 month apt he was 17 lbs 1 oz and 26 and 1/4 inches! Pretty good for starting out a little 5 lb 5 oz peanut!

Here are some things hes been up to lately...
Fake laughing- He loves to make a laughing/coughing sound when he gets excited. Which is very often.
Babbling- He is starting to say dada but that's about it. He also loves to squeal. Loudly!
Eating solids- Keaton is now eating rice cereal regularly, has had applesauce a few times and peaches once. At first he would gag with the applesauce but I think he's getting used to it because now he just makes a sour face and then opens up for more.
Eating toes- He has become fascinated with his feet. I love it when babies do this it's so cute!
Sitting up- Hes gotten to be quite the pro at sitting up although sometimes he gets a little spastic and falls backwards.
Scooting- He can only scoot backwards! It's pretty funny because even if he is trying to get a toy that's out in front of him he seems to only go the opposite direction. He pretty much gets everywhere by rolling. Needless to say, becoming mobile has definitely made things complicated.
Grabbing things off our plates- More than a couple times I've made the mistake of letting him just barely within reaching distance of my plate. I should learn my lesson soon because wiping food off of EVERYTHING is getting old.